February 15th Meeting at the Missoula Public Library Missoula Weavers Guild Celebrates 77th Birthday 11 am – 3 pm Bring a Surprise & a handwoven or handspun item to display.
Location: Fort Missoula, T-1 Building (next to Heritage Hall) March 15th, 11 am – 3 pm The Library will be OPEN !
Location: University of Montana Campus, Missoula, Montana Missoula Weavers Guild will host MAWS 2026 check back for more info!
ANNOUNCEMENT! Latest Book by our own local guild author, Heather Torgenrud, Pick up Bandweaving Designs. Available at the Guild Library and Your LYS – Local Yarn Store and online. Amazon A pattern
Missoula Weavers Guild is a place for fiber enthusiasts to share their knowledge and curiosity about weaving, spinning and other fiber arts. We have been meeting in Missoula since 1948. The style and pursuits of participants has changed a lot since the guild began.! A range of interests and experience can be found in the group from brand new weaver/spinners to nationally recognized professional weavers, authors, and artists.
Our meetings typically include time for working on projects while sharing tips and questions, a program presentation by a guild member or outside speaker and a brief business meeting.
Every year or two we host a multi-day workshop or retreat.
On even years we participate in the statewide conference: MAWS (Montana Association of Weavers & Spinners)
You are welcome to attend a meeting as a guest. Check the MEETING tab to confirm the meeting location; we move around.
Contact us for more information or find us on facebook.