February 15th Meeting at the Missoula Public Library Missoula Weavers Guild Celebrates 77th Birthday 11 am – 3 pm Bring a Surprise & a handwoven or handspun item to display.
Guild members will be selling handwoven, hand knitted, handspun items, Nantucket baskets & more at: Saturday, Dec. 7, 9:00-3:00 Sons of Norway Lodge 5795 Hwy 93 South Missoula, MT 59806 More
December 21, 2024: Holiday Party ! Program: Party ! Potluck ! Gift Exchange ! Location: Member Home
Weaving and Spinning Demonstrations Open to the public. Saturday: 10 am-How to make a Fabric Woven Bag Demo Tiny Card Weaving table for visitors of all ages. Spinning Circle &
November 16, 2024: ReVisit MAWS 2012 Conference Program: The 2012 conference chairperson will share how this successful conference came to be. Location: Fort Missoula, T-1 Building (next to Heritage Hall)
October 26, 2024: Special ZOOM Presentation Program: Bolivian Band Weaver, Laverne Waddington – Webinar Location: Missoula Public Library, Blackfoot Room
Members submitted handwoven works at MAWS, Western MT Fair and Ravalli County Fair and received lot of awards!
September 21 is our first regular meeting for the 2024-2025 guild year. Check out the Meetings page. September 21, 2024: Beginning of Year Program: ‘How I Spent My Summer” A