Your membership in MWG supports the programs and helps further the goals of fiber arts and crafts in Montana. The guild pays for half the cost of workshops that we host and provides scholarships to attend conferences for members. We support other nonprofits with related interests. We maintain a library full of fiber books and other resources including equipment to rent or loan for travel to workshops or for beginning weavers to use to get started.
To join, come to a meeting or fill out this form and send your check to:
Missoula Weavers Guild
PO Box 454
Missoula MT 59806
Annual Membership: $25.00 (includes membership in MAWS)
Membership Year is September-May
Dues paid in October
11:00 am: Open Hospitality, Social & Study groups, Show & Tell Table, Bring a project to work on, brown bag lunch 12:30 pm: Business meeting & Executive Report 1:00 pm: Program Starts 2:15-3 pm: Birthday Raffle followed by Show and Tell
Location: Fort Missoula, T-1 Building (next to Heritage Hall) March 15th, 11 am – 3 pm MARCH Library Program:“Love your Library, or how I stopped worrying andlearned to love the
February 15th Meeting at the Missoula Public Library Missoula Weavers Guild Celebrates 77th Birthday 11 am – 3 pm Bring a Surprise & a handwoven or handspun item to display.
Guild members will be selling handwoven, hand knitted, handspun items, Nantucket baskets & more at: Saturday, Dec. 7, 9:00-3:00 Sons of Norway Lodge 5795 Hwy 93 South Missoula, MT 59806 More
December 21, 2024: Holiday Party ! Program: Party ! Potluck ! Gift Exchange ! Location: Member Home
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